
How difference between SmallRig & CoolLcd?

I notice all our customers alway know about SmallRig but few of them heard  about CoolLCD before.Even sometimes they think CoolLcd is other shop and without any business with SmallRig.Today we will talk something about SmallRig and CoolLCD.
They have few commonly modules between them.Both of them included Co-Design and Pre-Order .That's depend on the core thoughts of SmallRig team.Co-Design offered a bridge to build communications for designer and user demand.We will collect all ideas and demand via different channels,such like facebook, email,photos.etc.Pre-Oder is much like a  discount benefits domain for returning the support to loyal customers.
So far most people think SmallRig is something mean BRAND and CoolLCD will be much like a online shop.Let'see Iris'opnions.


